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The AUNA 2020 Awards Gala

The AUNA 2020 Awards gala, which was held last month in online format, brought together more than 500 participants in front of their screens, mostly senior executives from the most important manufacturing companies in the electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning sectors.


Orkli received the AUNA 2020 Award for innovation, according to BEÑAT ZUDAIRE, General Manager Business Unit at Orkli, "digitalization will play a fundamental role, as well as sensorization and servitization (sic). Interconnected systems - he predicts - will be the next step and this communication will help to get the most out of the systems".

For Zudaire, "innovation is done day by day, it must be part of the business culture and we must create physical spaces and attitudes in the organization that favor these dynamics. Furthermore," he stresses, "the success of innovation occurs when the market understands and accepts it as a facilitating element that generates some benefit".

So it is not enough to have 'good ideas'? "More than good ideas, it is necessary to have the dynamics to create ideas", affirms the Orkli manager.

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